[pox-dev] Fetch switch statistics

博威张 zbw921124 at gmail.com
Sun May 10 16:24:36 PDT 2015


I'm trying to fetch some statistics such as bytes_count of a certain switch.

I use *ofp_flow_stats_request()* to send the request and handle it this way:
for f in event.stats : bytes += f.byte_count

In order to get the byte_count of a certain interval, I send it
periodically and use *current_byte_count - former_byte_count *to get the
byte_count of the last interval.

However, sometimes I got some negative values.

I want to know what's the meaning of the byte_count in *ofp_flow_stats.*
Or do I need to use other request bodies such as *ofp_aggregate_stats_request
*to fetch the byte_count of a certain period of a certain switch?

Thank you.
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