[pox-dev] PortMod message

Murphy McCauley murphy.mccauley at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 02:59:16 PDT 2012

I've updated the wiki with a bit of helpful info here:

The key is that there is port information stored on the Connection object itself, and the same information is available directly on the ConnectionUp event object.

connection.features.ports (or connectionup_event.ofp.ports) is an array of information about switch ports in the form of ofp_phy_port objects.  These give hardware addresses and such for the ports.

Hope that helps.

-- Murphy 

On Sep 14, 2012, at 2:17 AM, Stefano Esposito wrote:

> Hi,
>     I’m trying to send a portmod message to a specific switch to set the OFPPC_NO_FLOOD flag on a specific port. I’m doing this on startup, so I can decide to which switch I’m sending the message using connection.dpid. Now, I send the message with this code:
>     msg = of.ofp_port_mod()
>     msg.port_no = 1
>     msg.config = of.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD
>     connection.send(msg)
> but the switch reply to this message with an error complaining about the hw address mismatch. Reading the openflow specs I understand that the hw address has to be sent as a sanity check with the port mod message and that I could get the right from a port status message but how can I have the switch send me a port status message on a port of my choice and not as an event notification? Or is there another way to get the hw address?
> Thanks,
> Stefano.

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