[pox-dev] PortMod message

Sam Russell sam.h.russell at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 02:36:49 PDT 2012

No PC with me so can't check in practise, but check page 25/26 of the spec
- the initial handshake message is supposed to send an array of
ofp_phy_port which gives you all this info. Run the OpenFlow dissector in
wireshark and look at the features request packet - this should have the
list in the response

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Stefano Esposito <stefano.esposito87 at gmail.com>


    I’m trying to send a portmod message to a specific switch to set the
OFPPC_NO_FLOOD flag on a specific port. I’m doing this on startup, so I can
decide to which switch I’m sending the message using connection.dpid. Now,
I send the message with this code:

    msg = of.ofp_port_mod()
    msg.port_no = 1
    msg.config = of.OFPPC_NO_FLOOD

but the switch reply to this message with an error complaining about the hw
address mismatch. Reading the openflow specs I understand that the hw
address has to be sent as a sanity check with the port mod message and that
I could get the right from a port status message but how can I have the
switch send me a port status message on a port of my choice and not as an
event notification? Or is there another way to get the hw address?

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