[pox-dev] POX Learning Topology

Murphy McCauley murphy.mccauley at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 15:07:45 PST 2015

I assume you're talking about being able to do dynamic discovery of links/hosts/switches/ports.  I think this is actually a questionable approach in many scenarios.  But this is a large part of what the pox.topology component was supposed to be about.  Ultimately, we never ended up caring about it nearly as much as we thought we would, and so no really good version was ever released.

pox.topology may help serve as a bit of an example for you to build your own version that does what you want, though.  So might POXDesk's tinytopo module.  But the best starting point might be the pox.misc.gephi_topo component.  It tracks switches and links (via the discovery component) and optionally tracks hosts (via host_tracker).  If you just cut out all the stuff for actually interacting with Gephi (which is most of it), it's probably a decent starting place.

As usual, the instructions I'd point to are the POX manual and the code itself.

Good luck.

-- Murphy

On Nov 12, 2015, at 12:45 PM, Xu Chen <xuchen890530 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am new to POX. Is there an API that allows me to get the whole network topology (switches, hosts, links and ports) from POX? Is there any instructions I can follow?
> Best,
> Chen Xu

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