[pox-dev] Running multiple modules using PoX controller for a single data center topology

Lucas Brasilino lrbbs at cin.ufpe.br
Wed Apr 22 05:36:42 PDT 2015

Hi David:

*I am just curious to know whether or not is it possible to run multiple
> modules in pox controller simultaneously. *

Yes, it is. Take a look at Pox wiki on "Invoking POX" section. You will see
a lot of examples, for instance, running 'log.level' and
'forwarding.l2_learning' modules simultaneously.

This means that you can have multiple listeners to a event. If you need
further information about listener's calling order, you can refer to
"Advanced topics in Event Handling" section.

Lucas Brasilino
MSc Student @ Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) / Brazil
twitter: @lucas_brasilino
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