[pox-dev] Bad OpenFlow version (4) on connection with ovs switches

david jhon djhon9813 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 00:32:54 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I am working with openvswitch 2.3.90 and made some changes in vswitch code.
I am trying to use ripl and riplpox along with the pox controller but pox
throws this error:

WARNING:openflow.of_01:Bad OpenFlow version (4) on connection [Con 19/None]
INFO:openflow.of_01:[Con 19/None] closing connection

and does not process any packets. I am building and running ovs by
compiling from its source available at its git repository.

P.S. I am using following command to start the topology: sudo mn --custom
~/ripl/ripl/mn.py --topo ft,4 --controller=remote --mac

and ~/pox/pox.py riplpox.riplpox --topo=ft,4 --routing=hashed
--mode=reactive to start the controller.

It seems POX does not support 2.3.90 version of openvswitch or what else?
Pls let me know if there exist a work around for this. Many thanks!

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