[pox-dev] how to specify wildcards in ofp_match.from_packet()?

William Emmanuel S. Yu wyu at ateneo.edu
Mon Sep 24 05:38:32 PDT 2012

Its a bummer but it will have to do. Thanks.
------Original Message------
From: Murphy McCauley
To: aaa-William Yu
Cc: pox-dev at lists.noxrepo.org
Subject: Re: [pox-dev] how to specify wildcards in ofp_match.from_packet()?
Sent: Sep 24, 2012 8:29 PM

On Sep 24, 2012, at 5:13 AM, William Emmanuel S. Yu wrote:

> Oh my. Definitely a great point I missed out.  So does this mean there is no solution that allow us to a good destination-only flow rule at L2? So source awareness is mandatory to ensure "learning". 

I wouldn't bet my house on it, but I think that is true if you are working within the OpenFlow 1.0 specification.
(Note that this also means you have on the order of hosts-squared rules if you're doing learning in 1.0.)

-- Murphy

"Sent on the move."

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