[pox-dev] run a method on exit

Masoud Moshref Javadi moshrefj at usc.edu
Thu Sep 6 20:24:09 PDT 2012

Yea, Ctrl+D works but exit() does not. Sorry I did not test Ctrl+D
On 9/6/2012 8:03 PM, Murphy McCauley wrote:
> I'm using the MurphyMc/pox fork, which may or may not make a 
> difference.  It works fine if you quit using Ctrl-D at the interpreter 
> or by Ctrl-C without the interpreter...
> $ cat ext/zzz.py
> import pox.core
> def handler (event):
>   print "EVENT", type(event)
> pox.core.core.addListener(pox.core.GoingUpEvent, handler)
> pox.core.core.addListener(pox.core.GoingDownEvent, handler)
> $
> $ ./pox.py zzz
> POX 0.0.0 / Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley, et al.
> EVENT <class 'pox.core.GoingUpEvent'>
> INFO:core:POX 0.0.0 is up.
> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This program is free 
> software,
> and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
> Type 'help(pox.license)' for details.
> Ready.
> POX> ^D
> INFO:core:Going down...
> EVENT <class 'pox.core.GoingDownEvent'>
> INFO:core:Down.
> $
> $ ./pox.py --no-cli zzz
> POX 0.0.0 / Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley, et al.
> EVENT <class 'pox.core.GoingUpEvent'>
> INFO:core:POX 0.0.0 is up.
> ^CINFO:core:Going down...
> EVENT <class 'pox.core.GoingDownEvent'>
> INFO:core:Down.
> $
> It doesn't work like that if you quit using exit().
> $ ./pox.py zzz
> POX 0.0.0 / Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley, et al.
> EVENT <class 'pox.core.GoingUpEvent'>
> INFO:core:POX 0.0.0 is up.
> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This program is free 
> software,
> and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
> Type 'help(pox.license)' for details.
> Ready.
> POX> exit()
> $
> I've pushed a change to MurphyMc/pox so that exit() from the 
> interpreter works as expected, but sys.exit() still exits immediately 
> (I am hesitant to use atexit to change the latter).
> For your case, though, you might just want to check core.running -- 
> it's a flag which changes to False when POX is going down.
> -- Murphy
> On Sep 6, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Masoud Moshref Javadi wrote:
>> This is my code:
>> ThreadRule is a thread that creates opens a socket. and checks the 
>> flag if the flag is false it will stop
>> The GoingUpEvent works but the GoingDownEvent does not. So is it even 
>> the right way to do cleanup for a pox controller?
>> class my_l2_learning (EventMixin):
>>   def __init__ (self, port):
>>     self.listenTo(core.openflow)
>>     self.t = ThreadRule(port)
>>     self.t.start()
>>     #core.addListener(pox.core.GoingUpEvent, self._handle_GoingUpEvent)
>>      core.addListener(pox.core.GoingDownEvent, 
>> self._handle_GoingDownEvent)
>>   def _handle_GoingDownEvent (self, event):
>>         self.t.flag=False
>>         print('go down')
>>  def _handle_GoingUpEvent (self, event):
>>         print ("go up")
>> On 9/6/2012 3:04 PM, Murphy McCauley wrote:
>>> Can you post the code that you tried?
>>> -- Murphy
>>> On Sep 6, 2012 2:29 PM, "Masoud Moshref Javadi" <moshrefj at usc.edu 
>>> <mailto:moshrefj at usc.edu>> wrote:
>>>     I want to run a method when the controller goes down to close a
>>>     socket.
>>>     I tried to register for pox.core.GoingDownEvent but it does not
>>>     work. Is there any special way to be informed on the exit of pox?
>>>     -- 
>>>     Masoud Moshref Javadi
>>>     Computer Engineering PhD Student
>>>     Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering
>>>     University of Southern California
>> -- 
>> Masoud Moshref Javadi
>> Computer Engineering PhD Student
>> Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering
>> University of Southern California

Masoud Moshref Javadi
Computer Engineering PhD Student
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California

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